Monday, October 27, 2008

More from Helen M

.... I saw her often in Atlin at my high school days, as my folks returned there every summer (my brother and I were born there). In that setting she was warm, witty and I came to cherish those times.

There is no doubt she made a decent writer out of me - I could not believe my first year at UBC when I would get A's for my essays. Never had more than a C+ with McMurphy but I certainly knew not to be TRITE and redundant. No "fleecy white clouds" crossed my skies. :))

And I recall being sent to the Stratford Festival, writing her postcards from there to finally admit that I was enthralled with Shakespeare.

I went to her retirement dinner and wish I had a copy of the speech she made that night, it was so perfect. ...

Do you remember Brian W. doing his impression of her entering the classroom. He would use that gigantic dictionary as a prop? I think we laughed heartily due more to his gall/bravery than anything else.

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